Live Feedback

Inject Live Feedback script and start getting feedback on your website in real time from your developers, designers and collaborators.

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Github integration

Your feedback remains private next to your source code.

Github as database

In order to keep things simple, we use Github Issues to store your feedback.

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Github API Rest

Thanks to Octokit SDK for browsers every request is client-side. No server needed.

Login with Github Live Feedback button

No registration needed

Just use your existing Github account.


But, why would you want to use this?

Without Live Feedback

  • x

    Slow communication.

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    Extra manual labor.

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    Clunky bug reports.

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    You have to interrupt what you're doing to write some feedback.

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    In medium or large companies you may not know which team owns the app where you are leaving feedback.

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    Bug reports could end up in backlog hell.

With Live Feedback

  • Constant, proactive communication. Giving feedback is much easier.

  • Chat with your team right inside the website.

  • No need to interrupt your workflow. In just 3 clicks you can leave useful feedback.

  • You don't need to know internal information to leave feedback.

  • You actually see where the feedback is.

  • Never miss a report again. Feedback bubble will not disappear until you close it manually.

  • Feedback is stored in Github Issues, so it's easy to track and manage.


Some innovative features that will improve your workflow

Remember that Live Feedback is under heavy development and we are always adding new features.

Text range select feature in action

Text range select

Select text on your website and start a conversation with your team members.

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Feedback on elements

Click on any element on your website and start a conversation with your team members.

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Comment threads

Add comments, inspect details, close the thread and more from the bubble popover.

Smart tracking

We don't save the coordinates of the feedback bubble, instead we use multiple strategies to track the element, ensuring the bubble is always in the right place.

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Thread history

Easily navigate through the thread history and find where the feedback was left.

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Feedback stored in Github Issues

All feedback is stored in Github Issues, so it's easy to track and manage.

First steps

Our simple process to start using Live Feedback

Just like you, we love simple things.

Security and privacy

Secure, private, open source

We like to keep things crystal clear.

Why you need access to my Github account?

We don't use our own backend or database to keep integration simple. Building our own auth admin system would cost a huge amount of time and using an existing auth solution would cost $$$.

Insted, we use Github Issues to store your feedback. This solution is virtually free for everyone but because of that we need permissions to act on your behalf.

If I give you permissions you have full access to my Github account?
Short answer, no. When Live Feedback asks you for permissions you can see what permissions were requested. Live Feedback permissions are limited to: create and read issues and pull requests read, anything else is prohibited.
Live Feedback is like Vercel's preview comments?
Kind of. It's not a copy for sure, but it's based on Vercel's preview comments. The main difference is that vercel's preview comments only exists in Vercel platform. On the other hand, Live Feedback works everywhere, on every platform, tech stack or site in browser context of course.
Why is there a server in the middle when I try to log in?

Don't worry, this is because of how Github user access token generation for a Github App works. Live Feedback server owns the Live Feedback Github App credentials.

These credentials are secret. When you start the authentication flow the server sends to Github a login request to Live Feedback Github App. At this point you will see the github login screen on a popup window and it will ask you for permissions. Once you give permissions the popup window will send the token to Live Feedback script and close. This generated token will have very limited permissions.

If you have doubts you can see the source code of the server here: API Routes

Can I use this in production?
Please no, this script is not suited for production environments. You should only activate Live Feedback only in test environments. It was designed as an internal tool for developers, designers, collaborators and very specific clients. I take no responsibility for improper use of this tool.
Live Feedback is still in beta?
No, but still under heavy development. Some major features are missing but it's a competent first version.

Ready to start?

Ask your devs to start using Live Feedback.
If you are a dev go ahead, click 'Get started' button to read the docs.

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